Check out some of our award-winning dogs at Vom Faehnrich - Chicagoland German Shepherds. We have been breeding award-winning German Shepherds for confirmation, Schutzhund Sport, and IGP Titling shows since 1998. Our dogs have performed at shows across the US, Canada, and Germany. For more information on breeding, call us at 815-212-9377.
Sieger VA1Titan Vom Mittlewest SCHH3 kkl1 (Angelina Vom Faehnrich Son)
VA2 2012 USCA Hulda Vom Polarkreis
2012 USCA Vice Seigerin VA2 Hulda Vom Polarkreis
V2 Zoey vom Mittelwest
Handled by Tessa Martinez
2013 USCA Vice Seigerin VA2 Hulda Vom Polarkreis
GSDCA ‘22 VA4 Havana Vom Faehnrich
GSDCA ‘22 VA4 Havana Vom Faehnrich
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