V1 Yackie von der Zenteiche SchH3 Kkl1 LBZ *Retired*

V1 Yackie von der Zenteiche SchH3 Kkl1 LBZ


  • Owner:  Kathy Potocki
  • Co-owner: Julie Martinez
  • Dob (11-21-00 – 05-16-12)

Yackie was imported as a puppy from the well known kennel “Von Der Zenteiche” owned by Christoph Ludwig of Germany.  Her bloodlines were chosen to begin our first mother line to represent Vom Faehnrich.
Pia von der Zenteiche, Yackie’s mother has produced an incredible amount of high placing dogs. She produced VA1 (USA) Kelly von der Zenteiche, VA1 (USA) Vegas vom Mittelwest, and VA1 (Korea) Kerry von der Zenteiche. Pia is the grandmother to the recent VA3 (BSZS) Paer vom Hasenborn. The quality, structure, and strength she gives to her progeny are evident in this breeding female.
Yackie’s sire is VA2 (BSZS) Untox Ducati. He brought anatomy and great drive to the development. Strength of attitude is always remarked upon from this lineage.
Yackie always displayed herself as a very confident, protective, and highly obedient dog. Her devotion to her family was exceptional. What Yackie enjoyed most in her life were her puppies. She was a very good mother who produced many large litters of very nice puppies. This is why she became a foundation breeding female for Vom Faehnrich and Mittelwest kennels.

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